Robot web tools

Work done with Robot Web Tools while developing projects for EECS 495: Embedded Systems in Robotics

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Get everything up and running

  1. Make sure "Enable Networking" is unchecked in the networking menu
  2. Ensure that Baxter ethernet cable is connected to PC
  3. Open up a terminal and run Avahi's network address configuration daemon
$ sudo avahi-autoipd eth0
  1. In a new terminal, start roscore
$ roscore
  1. In a new terminal, launch a rosbridge server
$ roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch
  1. In a new terminal, launch a mjpeg server
$ rosrun mjpegserver mjpeg_server
  1. In Google Chrome, navigate to the local html page
$ file:///home/puppeteer/jons_stuff/catkin_ws/src/robot_web_tools/src/index.html
  1. To see Baxter's left hand camera stream, run the startcamera script in a new terminal
$ rosrun robot_web_tools